Ithaca’s Triad Foundation leans right

Ithaca has long been known as a liberal college town in a more rural conservative region. Yet the local Triad Foundation is a steady supporter of conservative causes around the country.

Triad is one of two grantors spawned from the wealth of Roy Park Sr., who built Park Communications media conglomerate after launching the highly successful line of Duncan Hinnes cake mixes. The other grantor is the Park Foundation, also based in Ithaca.

Park died in 1993. His offspring continue his philanthropic activities, but with differing politics. The Park Foundation focuses heavily on environmental issues, while Triad skews right.

Both foundations give millions to organizations in the Ithaca environs. Cultural, religious and educational institutions number among the recipients, Cornell University prominent among them.

Triad’s support for conservative and libertarian groups is nationwide. A review of the foundation’s 2019 tax return (the most recent publicly avaialable) shows grants to the following organizations:

    American Enterprise Institute
    American Legislative Exchance Council
    American Spectator
    Americans for Prosperity
    Competitive Enterprise Institute
    Daily Caller
    Federalist Society
    Federation for American Immigration Reform
    Foundation for Government Accountability
    Heritage Foundation
    Independent Women’s Forum
    Judicial Watch
    Media Research Center
    National Review
    State Policy Network
    Taliesin Nexus
    Tax Foundation
    Young America’s Foundation
    Young Americans for Liberty

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