Washington County > Argyle

County: Washington

Population 2020:

  3,644 town
  289 village
School districts: Argyle Central School District
Libraries: Argyle Free Library

Emergency services: Argyle Emergency Squad, Argyle Fire Department

Fraternal organizations: American Legion

Not-for-profit cemeteries: North Argyle Cemetery, South Argyle Cemetery

2020 Paycheck Protection Program: Loans to nonprofits in Washington County

Recent grants to local organizations:

American Legion
  Washington County Home for Aged Women  -  Glens Falls, NY  -  $5,000  (2021)

Argyle Central School District
  U.S. Department of Education  -  Washington, DC  -  $36,288  (2022)

Argyle Community Scholarship Fund
  David S & Janet R Sheridan Foundation  -  Teton Village, WY  -  $1,000  (2022)

Argyle Emergency Squad
  David S & Janet R Sheridan Foundation  -  Teton Village, WY  -  $3,000  (2022)

Argyle Free Library
  David S & Janet R Sheridan Foundation  -  Teton Village, WY  -  $6,000  (2022)

Argyle Presbyterian Church
  David S & Janet R Sheridan Foundation  -  Teton Village, WY  -  $3,000  (2022)

Argyle PTSA
  David S & Janet R Sheridan Foundation  -  Teton Village, WY  -  $1,000  (2022)

Argyle Senior Citizens
  David S & Janet R Sheridan Foundation  -  Teton Village, WY  -  $1,000  (2022)

Argyle United Methodist Church
  David S & Janet R Sheridan Foundation  -  Teton Village, WY  -  $5,000  (2022)

Argyle Youth Commission
  David S & Janet R Sheridan Foundation  -  Teton Village, WY  -  $1,000  (2022)

J A Barkley Hose Co No 1
  David S & Janet R Sheridan Foundation  -  Teton Village, WY  -  $5,000  (2022)

R Stiles Committee
  David S & Janet R Sheridan Foundation  -  Teton Village, WY  -  $2,000  (2022)

Town of Argyle
  David S & Janet R Sheridan Foundation  -  Teton Village, WY  -  $1,200  (2022)

Washington County Children's Committee
  David S & Janet R Sheridan Foundation  -  Teton Village, WY  -  $1,000  (2022)

Largest nonprofits in Argyle (by assets) include:

 J a Barkley Hose Co No 1
 Argyle Free Library Association
 Argyle Community Scholarship Fund
 Argyle Emergency Squad
 Lufkin Legacy Foundation