Tompkins County > Newfield

County: Tompkins

Population 2020:

  5,126 town

School districts: Newfield Central School District
Libraries: Newfield Public Library

Emergency services: Newfield Fire Department

Fraternal organizations: Lions, Masons

Not-for-profit cemeteries: Greensprings Natural Cemetery, Trumbulls Corners Rural Cemetery, Woodlawn Cemetery

2020 Paycheck Protection Program: Loans to nonprofits in Tompkins County

Recent grants to local organizations:

  Community Development Block Grant funding  -  Albany, NY  -  $298,000  (2022)

  Regional Economic Development Councils  -  Albany, NY  -  $377,609  (2021)

Newfield Community Council
  United Way of Tompkins County  -  Ithaca, NY  -  $10,644  (2021)

Newfield Public Library
  Community Foundation of Tompkins County  -  Ithaca, NY  -  $9,510  (2021)

Second Wind Cottages
  Legacy Foundation of Tompkins County  -  Ithaca, NY  -  $7,200  (2022)

Second Wind Cottages
  United Way of Tompkins County  -  Ithaca, NY  -  $8,714  (2021)

  Legacy Foundation of Tompkins County  -  Ithaca, NY  -  $1,663  (2022)

Vets in Nature
  Legacy Foundation of Tompkins County  -  Ithaca, NY  -  $1,000  (2022)

Largest nonprofits in Newfield (by assets) include:

 Newfield Fire Company
 Second Wind Cottages
 Greensprings Natural Cemetary Association
 Free & Accepted Masons of New York
 Newfield Public Library