Tompkins County > Groton

County: Tompkins

  5,746 town
  2,145 village

Groton was named after Groton, CT, and Groton, MA.

Smith Corona typewriter company, once a major employer here, left the community in 1983.

School districts: Groton Central School District
Libraries: Groton Public Library

Emergency services: Groton Fire Department

Fraternal organizations: American Legion, Rotary

Not-for-profit cemeteries: Groton Cemetery, Lansingville Cemetery, Rose Cemetery, West Groton Cemetery

Recent grants:

McLean Cemetery Association
  Cortland Community Foundation  -  Cortland, NY  -  $5,300  (2022)

Largest nonprofits in Groton (by assets) include:

Groton Community Health Care Center
Groton Volunteer Firefighters Association
Groton Public Library
American Legion
107th Psalm Christian Family
Finger Lakes Kennel Club
Groton Rod & Gun Club