Schoharie County > Middleburgh

County: Schoharie

Population 2020:

  3,112 town
  1,131 village
School districts: Middleburgh Central School District
Libraries: Middleburgh Library

Emergency services: Middleburgh Emergency Volunteer Ambulance, Middleburgh Fire Department

Not-for-profit cemeteries: Cemetery of Pine Grove, Livingstonville Cemetery

2020 Paycheck Protection Program: Loans to nonprofits in Schoharie County

Recent grants to local organizations:

Keith Nelson Food Pantry
  Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York  -  Latham, NY  -  $5,711  (2021)

Middleburgh Central School District
  U.S. Department of Education  -  Washington, DC  -  $30,661  (2022)

Middleburgh Library
  Galasso Foundation  -  Clarence, NY  -  $2,500  (2022)

Largest nonprofits in Middleburgh (by assets) include:

 Middleburgh Library Assoc
 Marge and Randy Becker Foundationinc
 Town of Broome Volunteer Fire Dept
 Middleburgh Fire Department
 Middleburgh Athletic Center
 Middleburgh Emergency Volunteer Ambulance Corps
 Joshua Project of Schoharie County
 Country Classroom
 Broome Animal Sanctuary & Farm
 Valley Soccer Club