Otsego County > Laurens

County: Otsego

Population 2020:

  2,311 town
  185 village

We regret to report that the community’s largest nonprofit is the Laurens Village Cemetery Improvement Association. Our condolences to Laurens.

School districts: Laurens Central School District

Emergency services: Laurens Fire Department

Fraternal organizations: American Legion, Masons

State parks: Gilbert Lake State Park

Not-for-profit cemeteries: Laurens Village Cemetery Improvement

2020 Paycheck Protection Program: Loans to nonprofits in Otsego County

Recent grants to local organizations:

Laurens Central School District
  U.S. Department of Education  -  Washington, DC  -  $21,910  (2022)

Stack Project
  United Way of Broome County  -  Binghamton, NY  -  $10,000  (2021)

Largest nonprofits in Laurens (by assets) include:

 Laurens Village Cemetery Improvement Association
 New York State Chapter of the American Chestnut Foundation
 Laurens Memorial Legion Post Local
 Center for Art Humor & Soul
 SWEC Association