Ontario County > Honeoye

County: Ontario
School districts: Honeoye Central School District
Libraries: Honeoye Public Library

Emergency services: Honeoye Fire Department

Fraternal organizations: American Legion

Parks: Honeoye Lake Boat Launch State Park, Sandy Bottom Beach, Harriet Hollister Spenser Park

Not-for-profit cemeteries: Lakeview Cemetery of Richmond

2020 Paycheck Protection Program: Loans to nonprofits in Ontario County

Honeoye Lake Boat Launch State Park

Recent grants to local organizations:

Begin Again Horse Rescue
  Daisy Marquis Jones Foundation  -  Rochester, NY  -  $1,500  (2021)

Honeoye Central School District
  New York State Office of Mental Health  -  Albany, NY  -  $25,000  (2023)

Honeoye Central School District
  U.S. Department of Education  -  Washington, DC  -  $41,156  (2022)

Lakeview Cemetery Association
  Florence M Muller Foundation  -  Penfield, NY  -  $1,000  (2021)

St. Mary's Church
  Florence M Muller Foundation  -  Penfield, NY  -  $6,500  (2021)

Largest nonprofits in Honeoye (by assets) include:

 Richmond Fire Department
 Begin Again Horse Rescue
 American Legion
 Honeoye Fish and Game Club
 Honeoye Public Library
 Oasis Adaptive Sports
 Honeoye Lake Rotary Foundationinc