Hamilton County

County seat: Lake Pleasant

2020 population: 5,107
More Hamilton County census data

Regional funders: Adirondack Foundation, United Way of Fulton County
In 2022, an estimated 152 people worked at 20 nonprofit establishments in Hamilton County – or 17.2% of the county work force. Wages totalled $5.7 million.
Revenues: According to the Internal Revenue Service, 68 nonprofit organizations in Hamilton County filed tax returns reporting revenues totalling $23.7 million.
Property taxes: Of 13,270 parcels, 12.70 percent had whole or partial tax exemptions in 2023.
Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics; Internal Revenue Service, 2024; Office of Real Property Tax Services, 2023.

Upstate Giving profiles of communities in Hamilton County:

Largest nonprofits in Hamilton County (by assets) include:

 Adirondack Historical Association
 Gospel Volunteers
 Blue Mountain Center
 Christian Camps
 Sagamore Institute of the Adirondacks
 Raquette Lake Fire Department
 Inlet Volunteer Emergency Services
 Piseco Volunteer Fire Dept
 Indian Lake Volunteer Ambulance Corp
 Lake Pleasant Volunteer Fire Department