Greene County > Tannersville

County: Greene

Population 2020:

  568 village

The local Hunter Foundation buys blighted properties, then renovates and resells them. Its activities encompass Tannersville, Haines Falls, Hunter, Ashland, Jewett, Prattsville, Lexington and Windham.

School districts: Hunter-Tannersville Central School District
Libraries: Mountain Top Library (formerly Haines Falls Free Library)

Emergency services: Hunter Area Ambulance Service, Tannersville Fire Department

Fraternal organizations: American Legion

Not-for-profit cemeteries: Tannersville Evergreen Cemetery

2020 Paycheck Protection Program: Loans to nonprofits in Greene County


Recent grants to local organizations:

Hunter Tannserville Central School District
  U.S. Department of Education  -  Washington, DC  -  $10,362  (2022)

  Downtown Revitalization Initiative  -  Albany, NY  -  $10,000,000  (2022)

  Regional Economic Development Councils  -  Albany, NY  -  $600,000  (2021)

Largest nonprofits in Tannersville (by assets) include:

 Hunter Foundation
 Mountain Top Arboretum
 Mountain Top Library
 Irma and Macy Chamberlin Scholarship Fund
 Pharmacy for the Public Good
 23 Arts Initiative
 Twilight Park Camp