Essex County > Port Henry

County: Essex
School districts: Moriah Central School District
Libraries: Sherman Free Library

Emergency services: Port Henry Fire Department

2020 Paycheck Protection Program: Loans to nonprofits in Essex County

Recent grants to local organizations:

Literacy Volunteers of Essex-Franklin
  United Way of the Adirondack Region  -  Plattsburgh, NY  -  $5,649  (2021)

Moriah Central School District
  Charles R. Wood Foundation  -  Wilmington, DE  -  $1,250  (2021)

Moriah Central School District
  Glenn and Carol Pearsall Adirondack Foundation  -  Johnsburg, NY  -  $1,000  (2021)

Mountain Lake Services
  United Way of the Adirondack Region  -  Plattsburgh, NY  -  $5,670  (2021)

Largest nonprofits in Port Henry (by assets) include:

 Essex County ARC Facilities
 Essex County Facilities C O Charles Hayes
 Mountain Lake Services Foundation
 Port Henry Volunteer Fire Department