Essex County

County seat: Elizabethtown

2020 population: 37,381
More Essex County census data

Regional funders: Adirondack Foundation, United Way of the Adirondack Region
In 2022, an estimated 2,191 people worked at 169 nonprofit establishments in Essex County – or 22.4% of the county work force. Wages totalled $111.1 million.
Revenues: According to the Internal Revenue Service, 358 nonprofit organizations in Essex County filed tax returns reporting revenues totalling $336.6 million.
Property taxes: Of 36,854 parcels, 25.61 percent had whole or partial tax exemptions in 2023.
Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics; Internal Revenue Service, 2024; Office of Real Property Tax Services, 2023.

Largest nonprofits in Essex County (by assets) include:

 Word of Life Fellowship
 Elizabethtown Community Hospital
 Adirondack Foundation
 Camp Dudley
 North Country School
 Word of Life Foundation
 Northwood School
 Henry Uihlein Ii & Mildred a Uihlein
 Fort Ticonderoga Association