Delaware County > Arkville

County: Delaware

The Catskill Watershed Corporation, the largest nonprofit in Arkville, is a local development corporation established to protect water quality in the New York City Watershed west of the Hudson River. The organization also supports watershed communities and works to strengthen the region’s economy.

Emergency services: Arkville Fire Dept

Change agents:

Grants to local organizations have funded prevention of opioid abuse, park improvements, and other causes.

Recent grants:

  New York State Department of Environmental Conservation  -  Albany, NY  -  $29,089  (2024)

  Regional Economic Development Councils  -  Albany, NY  -  $50,000  (2023)

Catskill Center for Conservation and Development
  North Pond Foundation  -  Wilmington, DE  -  $30,000  (2023)

Catskill Center for Conservation and Development
  Regional Economic Development Councils  -  Albany, NY  -  $50,000  (2023)

Catskill Recreation Center
  Hudson Valley Foundation for Youth Health  -  Kingston, NY  -  $1,000  (2023)

M-ARK Project
  North Pond Foundation  -  Wilmington, DE  -  $2,000  (2023)

Largest nonprofits in Arkville (by assets) include:

Catskill Watershed Corporation
Armand G Erpf Fund
Catskill Center for Conservation and Development
Catskill Recreation Center
Catskill Revitalization Corporation
M-Ark Project
Catskill Forest Association
Catskill Forest Association Inc Endowment Fund