Genesee County

County seat: Batavia

2020 population: 58,388
More Genesee County census data

Regional funders: United Way of Greater Rochester and the Finger Lakes
In 2022, an estimated 2,226 people worked at 96 nonprofit establishments in Genesee County – or 12.5% of the county work force. Wages totalled $102.0 million.
Revenues: According to the Internal Revenue Service, 333 nonprofit organizations in Genesee County filed tax returns reporting revenues totalling $40.1 million.
Property taxes: Of 29,295 parcels, 51.78 percent had whole or partial tax exemptions in 2023.
Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics; Internal Revenue Service, 2024; Office of Real Property Tax Services, 2023.

Upstate Giving profiles of communities in Genesee County:

Major non-governmental grantors
Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo
United Way of Greater Rochester
Mother Cabrini Health Foundation
Ayco Charitable Foundation
Rochester Area Community Foundation

Largest nonprofits in Genesee County (by assets) include:

 Glow Young Mens Christian Association
 Genesee Gateway Local Development Corporation
 Genesee Community College Foundation Housing Services
 Genesee Council on Alcoholism
 Council of Churches Housing & Development Fund
 Town of Batavia Fire Department
 The Genesee Community College Foundation
 Casa Laxmi Foundation
 Marguerite D Stewart Townsend Charitable Trust
 United Memorial Medical Center Foundation